Friday, May 28, 2010

Baby Gates are useless...

My 13 month old has mastered opening the baby gate.... see for yourself!

She didn't fully open it in this time (she's camera shy!) but other times, she's opened it, pushed it out of her way, and walked thru. The kicker... she pushes it shut behind her!!! I guess she's been watching the boys open it, cause neither of them did this!!!

I think it's time to shop for a new gate!!!

The last day of school

Yesterday was the last day of school....technically. But really, I'm not sure how it counted. They were there for an hour, and they were outside the whole time. I'm not sure why they bothered!!!

In fact, it was really bizarre in my opinion. Wednesday was supposed to be the last day, but we did have one snow day back in February. So they extended the year, by one hour??? On top of that, they sent home a note on Monday that the one hour of school would start at 8:30. The regular school day starts at 8:40. So the kids all had to be at the bus stop 10 minutes early. WHY???? Really, why couldn't they do their 1 hour from 8:40 to 9:40?? Why mess up the teachers, bus drivers, parents, kids, and who knows who else, for 10 minutes!!! I thought it might have something to do with the middle- and high-school kids since they use the same buses and drivers. But nope, they didn't even have school (even though I'm SURE they had the snow day just like the elementary!!!) So bizarre!

Anyway.... Trevor had a great time in Kindergarten. He came home with his final report card on Tuesday. It was full of "S" grades, for Satisfactory, in everything, which is the highest grade you can get in Kindergarten. He's learned to read, doing 1st grade math, writing sentences, and lots of other things.

He even managed to master tying his shoes in the last two weeks!! I had no idea that was something they were graded on and required to learn, and he hasn't had shoes with laces up til now. We got some a few weeks ago, and he mastered tying a bow in about 3 days!!! I was thrilled (and a little surprised), and have now decided to wait until the last minute to teach him things cause it was SOOOO much easier!!!

Trev and our neighbor at the bus stop. Trev's gonna be the only out there next year....=(

Mr T excited to go to school one last time!

During the last few weeks of school they've been studying the solar system. This was easily a HIGHLIGHT of the year for Trev, and he kept telling me lots of facts (and 'correcting' his teacher on things she didn't know!!). He came home last Friday in his Space Gear...his helmet, hand-painted t-shirt (I got to go in and help with this one!), and his Jr Astronaut badge!
And now he's a first grader!!! WOW!!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My Shy Boy

Today was Blake's last day of 3-year-old preschool. Instead of a regular day of school, they had a special program for the parents (and grandparents) to celebrate the end of the year.

The program was cute with a variety of songs. Of course, my shy child didn't do a lot of singing. In fact he only sang his two 'favorite' songs.... "The Itsy Bitsy Spider" and "3 Little Ducks". The rest of the time, he sat there, with a blank look on his face, or pulling his arms inside his t-shirt, or putting his fingers in his ears to block out the 'noise' of the other kids singing!!! Yup, that's my kid.

Oh, and while everyone else's kids were dressed up nice (some fancier than others), my son decided to wear a classic Aunt Kate shirt...she the pic's below!!

Ah well, he finished this year of preschool and he did a great job!! He's learned so much! He knows all his letters, he can spell and write his name on his own, he can cut well, and he learned all those nifty important classroom rules like raising your hand, taking turns, sharing, and being polite!! So, at least he got the important stuff figured out!!!

After the fact, he shyly gave his favorite teachers hugs before we left, but of course, refused to pose for pictures.
Eventually, later at home, I got him to pose for a quick picture wearing the paper hats they made for the occasion!

One of the best parts of the program was being given the "Memory Book" after the fact. The teachers put together a great book to summarize the year. It's a combination of projects he completed during the year, information the teachers gathered (what do you want to be when you grow up, what's your favorite toy, who's your best friend) and tons of photos the teachers took during the year. It's an absolutely AWESOME way to remember this year, all the things he learned, and all the kids that were part of his class!

Friday, May 7, 2010

She used to HATE the bath...

I barely remember that Izzy used to hate the bath.

Here's last night fun...