I could attempt to explain why.... Reasons such as being busy seem silly since everyone I know is CRAZY busy right now. The fact that my laptop is no longer portable because it can't run on battery power for more than 3 minutes, is a sad fact, but it's still totally use-able, so not a great excuse! The fact that I now have a web-enabled phone is a great thing, and means that I use my phone for most of my internet access, which means I'm not even touching the aforementioned laptop very often. This is cool, but it's really hard to blog from a mobile device with a touch-screen keypad....I could do it, but so far I haven't!
Anyway, enough bad excuses. Here's the month in photos! Yikes, I just downloaded 183 of them!!!
Trevor the Cub Scout ready for his Den meeting.
When I was done taking pictures of Trevor, Izzy went and stood in the same spot... so I took her picture!
We bought Daddy a new car, since the clutch on the old one was about dead. You can also see the new garage door which finally got installed in late September. The old one got blown-out by the strong winds we have out here and the metal support rods broke!
We've done many soccer games and practices in the last month. These are pictures from one of the warmest October days we had, about 70 at 10 in the morning! This is about the 7th game of the season, and the first one we won! It's been a long season!
Then we had big happenings around here. Trevor lost his first tooth.
But he actually LOST it (as in gone, can't find it) while on the playground for recess at school. After being upset, the music teacher helped him calm down, and suggested writing the tooth fairy a note. So he did....
We had a surprise visit from my brother for a weekend. He was on the west coast for business, and had planned to go to Vancouver to visit friends, but he forgot his passport! Oopsies! So instead he came to see us! Great surprise, great visit. But I didn't take any pictures of it....oops!
A few days letter was Trevor's class field trip to the pumpkin farm. I'm thrilled I got to go, and we had a great time. They got to pick 3 different kinds gourds, a pumpkin, and 3 different colors of Indian corn to bring home.
The whole class posed...
Of course, we've had some downtime between all the crazy. This was one weekend morning when Izzy wanted to watch a show with all her buddies (and Daddy!).
Izzy didn't sit for much, if any, of the ceremony. But afterwards, she was happy to sit... since there was food!!
Keeping the boys entertained. They were playing games on the (previously mentioned) internet-ready phone. Great way to entertain them!!!
Izzy had fun running over to the couch and sitting with the guys!
Izzy enjoyed watching... for the first 5 minutes (not even). After that, she wanted part of the action too....
Tomorrow through Sunday continues to be full of Halloween fun and lots of photo opps. I'll be sure to take a bunch and post them sometime before Christmas!!