was Trevor's actual birthday. The day started with camp - their last day- and Trevor was thrilled that he got to bring cupcakes to camp! He has spent a mere 2 years in "school" settings, but has already noticed that all kids bring treats to school on their birthday's and then figured out that he doesn't have school on his birthday. That realization made him pretty sad earlier this year, and as a fellow summer-birthday-no-school-treats-sufferer, I fully understand. So, when someone else brought treats to camp for their birthday, T was so excited. He had to bring cupcakes. And the bonus was, we found Monsters vs. Aliens cupcakes at the store!! Woo Hoo!
After cupcakes and camp, we went to Grandma's for lunch. It was rainy and drizzly, but we were hoping that would pass so we could go to Great America. Well, the weather got better, so after lunch and presents with grandma (yay, for a new tball bat, and a tackle box!), the boys and I went to GA (we left Izzy to bond with G'ma).
A great time ensued at GA since we could go on all the rides that they need me for, since I had no excuse not to go on. So we rode the Roarin' Rapids and got soaked, the Triple Play (2 times for me, since only 1 kid could go with me at a time), the Fiddlers Fling, the Great American Raceway (2 times), and a few others. The kids had a great time, and we caught up with a good friend, so that T-man and his friend could ride on the cars together (they looked like kids driving off on their first date together!), and they were thrilled when a teenager got of Fiddler's Fling and puked!!! THey were laughing that a big kid got sick when they didn't!!! Kinda funny!
The highlight of the day was getting to be in the Parade! We rode in the trolley and were dancing and singing with the parade music, and waving to everyone! The boys had fun and Trev was telling anyone who would listen that it was his birthday!!
We finally came home, picked up Izzy and Daddy and went to Chili's for dinner. Chili's was Trev's request since they serve corn on the cob! After that we came home, opened presents, and sent the kids to bed! Trev was excited by his new 18" big boy bike that has no training wheels!! He has showed it to a million people, but hasn't tried to ride it yet!!!
morning started with me working. While I worked (and Izzy got admired!), Daddy and the boys worked on my "To Do List" and got the house ready for the party. The weather decided to cooperate this year and it was nice, sunny and warm. Perfect for Trevor's backyard pool/sprinkler/water balloon party! The kids and mom's started arriving at 2, and we had a fun afternoon! For quite a while, everyone played happily in the pool or a sprinkler, and then we threw the water balloons! After that, we came inside for cake and the pinata!!
Bob from Monsters vs. Aliens... another Daddy creation
After the busy party, Trev opened his presents, and was thrilled with everything. The boys played, and Daddy and I decided that we were too tired to cook, so dinner was drive-thru! Eventually, we got the boys to stop playing with the new toys and go to bed!
was my birthday! I was granted my favorite present....SLEEP! I was left alone until 9:15 am, and Izzy even cooperated and slept two 6-hour spans, only making me get up once at 3 am!!! What a treat!! Daddy and the boys cooked my requested breakfast of french toast and bacon...YUM! We lazed around a bit and then went to Grandma's for the family birthday party.
We spent the day with cousin's of Daddy's and the kids, as well as Uncles and Aunts, Granpa and lots of family! It was a fun day out in the yard with more time in the pool and more water balloons. There were a few massive water gun fights with Scary Steve, Daddy, and Grandpa. I think Trevor won at least 2 of the fights and the third one (with Scary Steve) was a draw! [Note: no his real given name is not "Scary Steve", but that is what the boys call their Aunt's boyfriend, as he seemed very scary looking to them when they were about 18 months old!!! He's not so scary anymore, but the name has stuck!]
Trev and Blake ready for the water gun fight!
Later at Grandma's, we opened gifts- yay for Batman and no duplicate gifts! - and had a great pirate feast! Eventually, the boys got tired and we dragged them home and dumped them in bed!!
Trev, Kate and cousins on the Treasure Hunt that Kate made for T to find his birthday present. It was done VERY well and I will have to add photos and details later!
was supposed to be a boring day at home. A day to recover from party poop-ed-ness (is that a word) and to catch up on chores, cleaning, and laundry. However, while doing just that, and chatting on the phone, I looked out my back see a "small fire" at the corner neighbor's house. Well, the "small" fire quickly got out of control and we eventually watched 1/2 the garage and the back wall of the house go up in flames!!! Yikes!! We saw the family and pets come out the front of the house safely, so we stopped worrying SO much!
While the boys enjoyed watching the fire and the firemen spraying water and doing their jobs, we also took the time to talk about fire safety and how the family might be feeling right now. The boys ended up feeling pretty sad for them, since the family (most likely) won't be sleeping in their house for a while! What a crazy four days.....
Here's hoping the rest of this week is MUCH quieter!!!
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