Sunday, October 19, 2008

Captain Underpants

Holy cow, I thought this day would NEVER come!

Blake has willingly sat on the potty and peed 7 times in the last 2 days! (Yes, I'm counting!). He is such a stubborn child (who knows where he gets that!?!??!), that any suggestion of going potty has been met with FIERCE resistance. He has set his mind not to do this, for so long that I've just kinda not fought it.

Part of me wants him trained now, because T was trained at this age. But they are NOT the same child, that's not really fair of me. For a while I pushed him that he needed to go potty before his birthday so he could go to school with Trev. That also is not quite true, as he can go in pull-ups and I think he knows that. He also is anti-school lately, so I've had to drop that tactic as it works in his favor right now. Then I mentally readjusted, and said that as long as he was trained before the baby arrives, I don't care when or how it happens. I didn't push Trev and I really think that was a key to his success..... he had control, he was ready and talking about it, and he wanted to do it.

When Trev potty trained, it started because I asked him when he would use the potty. His answer was simple and logical for a 2 3/4 year old, "When I run out of diapers Mommy!". So he ran out of diapers (all the cloth were dirty in the laundry) and the disposables were gone. So he put on underwear. By no means was that it and he was trained, but he was ready to try and learn, and he did so in a brief amount of time (2-3 weeks I think). He's still not dry at night and I'm not worried about that. He's always been a heavy wetter at night and he's growing out of it bit by bit.

Ironically, Saturday morning, Blake had no cloth diapers left, and no 'sposies either. So he wandered aimlessly for a while, and then at my suggestion, put on Thomas underwear. (Note: Thomas trumped Elmo, how strange!). He has been wearing underwear while awake since then, other than a brief break this morning to go to a Halloween party (I don't need pee on the Elmo costume, that would be the END of the world!). He's been trying to hold it and tell me and learn, and it's happening slowly.

The best part, by far, was the smile on his face, when he sat down and peed a "river" (his words) and he could hear it! He was grinning and laughing and SO happy with himself! It was great!!! Somehow, caught up in the moment of it all, I have no photos of all this to embarass him with, or to prove it to the world! That's okay....we're just starting down this road. I'm sure I'll have lots of time to get the great pee pictures!!


Elizabeth said...

Yeah Blake!! Congrats momma! Good luck with it.

Jen said...

hey.. #3 is almost the size of an avacado.. woo hoo! i love the references all of the "books" make to food. #3 is now a peach.. peachy!

yay blake!

ben will only sit on the potty when he's fully clothed (and diapered).. sitting on it sans diaper scares the crap out of him.. HA. the other night i mentioned it to him as i was getting his bath ready and he firmly told me "no".. he did NOT want to sit on the potty.. and then proceeded to pee all over the bath mat while chuckling.